Immune Push

Quicker recovery from viral illness
Decreases inflammation
Improves overall immune function

What is the Immune Push IV?

The Immune Push IV delivers a powerful blend of vitamins and minerals to help bolster your immune system. Minerals are a crucial component of overall good nutrition, but due to today’s health climate and the increased use of herbicides, pesticides, and genetically modified crops, we find ourselves with a global food system that in some cases has been designed to deliver calories and cosmetic perfection but not necessarily nutrition.

The Immune Push IV includes important minerals such as copper, to help fight infection, iron for oxygen transport, and zinc to help maintain proper function of your immune system and metabolism. This IV is a great option for individuals prone to frequent illnesses, high-stress environments, or those who want to take proactive steps in maintaining their overall health.

Benefits of the Immune Push IV

  • Increases immune function
  • Quicker recovery from viral illness
  • Decreases inflammation 
  • Increases energy
  • Improves sleep

What's in the Immune Push IV?

  • Myers' Cocktail 
  • B Complex
  • Glutathione
  • Mineral mix:
    Magnesium Chloride

How to prepare for your IV therapy appointment

Before beginning your infusion, it is best to be well hydrated. There are times when starting with a hydration IV before adding the vitamins is considered. Although a complete medical evaluation with baseline vitamin levels can be helpful to customize infusions, it is not necessary for standard infusions. It is important to have a trained healthcare professional available to review your health information, assess risks and benefits of each infusion.

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