Maximizing the Benefits of Myers' Cocktail IV Therapy

woman lying in a chair receiving an iv drip

IV therapy and specifically, Myers' Cocktail infusions, have gained popularity in recent years as a way to deliver essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream. The Myers' Cocktail infusion has been used to treat countless medical conditions, from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia to immune system disorders, seasonal allergies, anxiety and hyperthyroidism. In this post, we'll provide some tips and best practices for preparing for and recovering from your Myers' Cocktail IV infusion to maximize its benefits.

Preparing for Your Myers' Cocktail IV Infusion

Hydrate Before Your Session

Drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment can help ensure that your body is well-hydrated and better able to absorb the nutrients from the infusion. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day in the days leading up to your infusion.

Eat a Nutrient-Dense Diet

Eating a nutrient-dense diet in the days leading up to your infusion appointment can help ensure that your body has the raw materials it needs to build and repair tissues, produce energy, and support optimal immune system function. Focus on eating plenty of whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine can be dehydrating and may interfere with the absorption of nutrients from your infusion. Because of this, we recommend avoiding alcohol and caffeine 24 hours before your session.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

During your infusion, you'll be sitting in one of our comfy IV chairs for about 45 minutes. Wearing loose, comfortable clothing can help you stay relaxed and comfortable during the session. We offer free wifi, a library of wellness books and Netflix to help you relax or stay productive while prioritizing your wellness. 

woman sitting on a couch talking on the phone while receiving an IV drip

Recovering from Your Myers' Cocktail IV Infusion

Rest and Rehydrate

After your session, it's important to take it easy and allow your body time to rest and recover. Aim to drink plenty of water in the hours and days following your infusion to help flush out toxins and support optimal kidney function.

Eat a Nutrient-Dense Diet

In the days following your infusion, it's important to continue eating a nutrient-dense diet in order to support optimal health and wellness. Focus on eating plenty of whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats.

Avoid Strenuous Exercise

We recommend avoiding strenuous exercise in the 24 hours following your infusion in order to allow your body time to rest and recover. Gentle exercise like yoga or walking may be beneficial, but listen to your body and don't push yourself too hard.

Monitor Your Symptoms

While most people experience few or no side effects from a Myers' Cocktail infusion, it's important to monitor your symptoms in the hours and days following your session. If you experience any adverse reactions like fever, nausea, or dizziness, be sure to contact your primary care provider right away.

Schedule Regular Infusions

To maximize the benefits IV therapy, many people choose to schedule regular sessions. The frequency of your sessions will depend on your individual needs and health status, but many people find that scheduling infusions every 4-6 weeks can help them maintain optimal health and wellness.

Ready to try out Myers' Cocktail IV therapy? 

Myers' Cocktail infusions can be a powerful tool for supporting optimal health and wellness. By taking the time to prepare for and recover from your session, you can help maximize the benefits of the infusion and support your body's natural healing processes. 

If you're interested in trying IV therapy, check out our IV menu for a variety of IV treatment options or you can schedule an infusion at our Newark, DE practice today!

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